Saturday, June 12, 2010


So for the podcast we have to basicly split our unit plan into 3 parts. I have written a script for the first part which I will do. I figured one of you could talk about our epals and one could talk about our final project on where water goes when it leave the toilet bowl. My two concepts from the text book are student lead inquiry followed by their own research (pg 107) and using a technology specialist (pg 110). My second lesson is based on the data collection of number of times each student flushes the toilet each day. Thanks and good luck!!

My Script:
Good afternoon parents and welcome to our classroom! This month as a part of our science curriculum we will be studying our local water resources. We have started our uint out by identifying different water sources that make up the water cycle, as well as sources of drinking water. The students have been making inquiries about water followed by their own research in the computer lab. With the assistance of our school's media director we have been practicing safe internet use as well. As we continue in our research we will collect data regarding the amount of of times each student flushes a toilet and how much water is used. This data collection will help us in our final project on where water goes after it spins around in the toilet bowl. As a class the students will collabratively analize the data as we prepare to communicate with another group of students that does not share our way of life. And Parents! Please remind your students that potty humor is not appropiate in the classroom.

1 comment:

  1. Great start to the podcast! I can talk about the epals part of the project. I will post my script tomorrow.
