Saturday, June 12, 2010

Podcast Script 2

I thought it would be helpful to post my tentative script before I record it so we can make sure they all go well together.

Script: Hello and welcome again! I would like to tell you a little bit more about the communication project that was mentioned briefly before. As part of our study of where water goes as it is flushed down the toilet, we will have the opportunity to compare our sewer systems to the composting system being used by the students in Nangi, Nepal. We are going to become epals with the students at the Himanchal School in the village. An epal is an electronic pal; it is just like a pen pal but instead of using the traditional system of writing letters and mailing them, we are going to use the internet for our correspondence. Children in both classes will be able to ask and answer questions about where waste goes for them after using the bathroom. Our students will benefit from learning about a different sanitation practice as well as reinforce what they learn as they teach other children what they have learned about during the research they have done for our project. Parents, I encourage you as we begin sending and receiving our epal letters, to ask your children what types of questions their epals are asking and what they are learning about the composting system In Nepal.

There ya go! Good luck with the rest:)

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