Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Completed Lesson Plan with: PowerPoint, Hotlist and Rubric

Sewer Investigation
Author: Katelyn Nevins based on lesson by: katelyn nevins 05/26/2010 11:31:00 AM EDT TaskStream - Advancing Educational Excellence


Elementary, Family and Consumer Science, Research

Topic or Unit of Study:

Water Resources: Investigation of where water goes once flushed down a toilet



Students will research the "activated sludge process" using a hotlist.

Students will create a PowerPoint describing the "activated sludge process."

Students will present their PowerPoint to the rest of the class.


Students will use a hotlist to research information and create a PowerPoint.


Learning Context:

This is the third lesson in a unit investigation of water being flushed down a toilet. The first lesson would be about how plumbing works, the next would be about how water travels from home to a wastewater collection system. The next lesson will be more about the filtering process in a water treatment center.


Day One:

Discuss what we have learned so far about where water goes once flushed down a toilet.

Play the Wastewater Treatment Plant PowerPoint for the class.

Take students to the library or a computer lab, where the media specialist will reveiw Safe Surfing on the web, with the class.

The media specialist will also reveiw with the students how to use the hot list.

Take students back to our classroom where we will create a list on a large piece of paper, reveiwing Safe Surfing and using a hot list, to take to the library/computer lab next time.

Day Two:

Review with class the paper about Safe Surfing and using a Hot list.

Take the students to the library/computer lab to begin their research about "activated sludge process."and post the paper in a location where the kids could refer to it as needed.

Review with students how to cite internet sources.

Have students type a few sentences about what they learned so far on the internet about the "activated sludge process," and cite their sources.

Reveiw with students how to save Word Documents.

Have students save their work.

Take students back to the classroom for a class disscusion regarding what they learned.

Day Three:

Take students to the library/computer lab to begin their PowerPoints.

Review with students how to create PowerPoints.

Remind students to use work from the previous day.

Handout Flash Drives, and reveiw with students how to save work to them.

Take students back to classroom and reveiw our unit.

Day Four and Five:

Hand out Flash Drives.

Take students to the library/computer lab where they will present their slide shows.

Once they are completed the class will discuss where in the process of water going down the toliet the "activated sludge process," fits and why it is important.

Lastly, the class will add to a list of questions we will ask on a field trip to the Kalamazoo Water Reclamation Plant about the "activated sludge process."

Differentiated Instruction:

The PowerPoint helps students who are visual learners understand the wastewater process. Our class discussions and reveiws will help auditory learners. The library/computer lab would be set up for students with physical diabilities. Me, the teacher along with the classroom aid will be assiting students with learning disabilities.

Sample Student Products:

As this lesson has not been taught, there are no student samples.

Students will work individually.

Time Allotment:
5 class periods. 45 Min. per class.

Author's Comments & Reflections:

As the teacher, I will need to make sure to reserve the library/computer lab for five days. I will also need to make an appointment with the media specialist for the first day of the lesson. I will need to make sure each student has a flash drive prior to this lesson. Lastly, I will have to make sure I have means to show the PowerPoint in our classroom on the first day of the lesson.


Instructional Materials:


1. Hotlist
2. Waste Water Treatment Plant Slideshow


* Materials and resources:
Large pieces of paper and markers to write down the information about Safe Surfing and a hot list from the media specialist as well as any remaining questions about the "activated sludge process."
* Technology resources:
Firefox, PowerPoint, One Flash Drive for each student.
* The number of computers required is 1 per student.
* Students Familiarity with Software Tool:
Students will need to know how to use PowerPoint.
Students will need to know how to type.
Students will need to know how to use Microsoft Word.
Students will need to be familiar with Safe Surfing and using a hot list.
Students will need to know how to use a Flash Drive.
* Reservation of the library/computer lab for five days



MI- Michigan Grade Level Content Expectations
• Strand : SPEAKING
• Topic : Spoken Discourse

Expectation : S.DS.03.01 Engage in interactive extended discourse to socially construct meaning (e.g., book clubs, or literature circles, partnerships, or other conversation protocols).

Expectation : S.DS.03.03 Respond to multiple text types by reflecting, making connections, taking a position, and sharing understandings.

Expectation : S.DS.03.04 Plan and deliver presentations using an effective informational organizational pattern (e.g., descriptive, problem/solution, cause and effect), supportive facts, and details reflecting a variety of resources, and varying the pace for effect.

USA- ISTE: National Educational Technology Standards for Students: The Next Generation
• Standard : 1. Creativity and Innovation- Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.

Indicator : Students: b. create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
• Standard : 2. Communication and Collaboration- Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.

Indicator : Students: b. communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.
• Standard : 3. Research and Information Fluency- Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.

Indicator : Students: b. locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.

Indicator : Students: c. evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks.

Indicator : Students: d. process data and report results.
• Standard : 6. Technology Operations and Concepts- Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems and operations.

Indicator : Students: a. understand and use technology systems.


1. Rubric for Water Resources: Investigation of where water goes once flushed down a toilet

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